Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week 2 EOC: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

This week for our EoC, we need to talk about the videogames and our views on the matter of them having a large decline in the industry.

I don't like console games at all. I don't play them. I don't enjoy them. I hate having to use a controller. I play on a PC that I have bought over 130 games for via an application called Steam. Even though I have played all of these games for maybe a month or so, I have the ability to play them again when I feel like it.

As far as consoles are concerned, I don't see them going very far in the future despite new games coming out to keep people interested. When you go to a friends house and you play on their console, whether it is an XBox or a Playstation product, it doesn't matter. If you run out of games, what do you do? Watch tv? A movie even? These consoles are pretty much just expensive DVD (Blueray) players when you think about it. CNN's Blake Snow says that, "If console gaming were a first-person shooter, it would be taking heavy fire right now. A red hue would envelop the viewable screen from all sides, an ominous sign of spilled blood."

Games nowadays don't make people stick with it. Whether it is a lack of story, or objective, I don't know.  Martha C. White with Time Magazine says, "Sales of consoles in the U.S. dropped 21% in 2012 to just over $4 billion, and figures from the manufacturers of the three top systems were lackluster over the crucial holiday season. " All I know is that something needs to change or else consoles will be a thing of the past, and personally, I could care less. I am a PC gamer, so I can play my games at a higher quality and have faster frames per second, so I'm happy.

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